
Versione completa: PSERVER UDF
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Da Shadow992
Func DecryptLoginPacket($str)
    Local $decrypted_string = "",$temp
    Local $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($splited) - 1
        $temp=BitXOR($splited[$i] - 0xF, 0xC3)
        If $temp<0 Then $temp+=256
        $decrypted_string &= Chr($temp)

    Return $decrypted_string
EndFunc   ;==>DecryptLoginPacket

Func EncryptLoginPacket($str)
    Local $decrypted_string = "",$temp
    Local $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    For $i = 0 To UBound($splited) - 1
        $temp=$splited[$i] + 0xF
        If $temp>256 Then $temp-=256
        $decrypted_string &= Chr($temp)

    Return $decrypted_string & Chr(0x19)
EndFunc   ;==>EncryptLoginPacket

Func GetPasswordString($str)

    Local $decrypted_string
    Local $count = 1
    Local $convert=""

    If Mod(StringLen($str), 2)=0 Then
        $str = StringTrimLeft($str, 3)
        $str = StringTrimLeft($str, 4)

    Local $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    for $i=0 To UBound($splited)-1 Step 2
        $convert &= chr($splited[$i])
        if Mod($count,2)=0 Then
            $convert &= ' '

    $splited = StringToASCIIArray($convert,0,StringLen($convert),1)

    for $i=0 To UBound($splited)-1

    return $decrypted_string

Func DecryptSessionPacket($str)
    Local $encrypted_string = "", $firstbyte, $secondbyte

    Local $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    For $i = 1 To UBound($splited) - 1
        If ($splited[$i] == 0xE) Then Return $encrypted_string

        $firstbyte = $splited[$i] - 0xF;
        $secondbyte = $firstbyte
        $secondbyte = BitAND($secondbyte, 0xF0)
        $firstbyte = $firstbyte - $secondbyte
        $secondbyte = BitShift($secondbyte, 0x4)

        If $secondbyte = 0 Then
            $encrypted_string &= Chr(0)
        ElseIf $secondbyte = 1 Then
            $encrypted_string &= ' '
        ElseIf $secondbyte = 2 Then
            $encrypted_string &= '-'
        ElseIf $secondbyte = 3 Then
            $encrypted_string &= '.'
            $temp=0x2C +$secondbyte
            If $temp>256 Then $temp-=256
            $secondbyte = Chr($temp)
            $encrypted_string &= $secondbyte

        If $firstbyte = 0 Then
            $encrypted_string &= Chr(0)
        ElseIf $firstbyte = 1 Then
            $encrypted_string &= ' '
        ElseIf $firstbyte = 2 Then
            $encrypted_string &= '-'
        ElseIf $firstbyte = 3 Then
            $encrypted_string &= '.'
            $temp=0x2C +$firstbyte
            If $temp>256 Then $temp-=256
            $firstbyte = Chr($temp)
            $encrypted_string &= $firstbyte;

    Return $encrypted_string
EndFunc   ;==>DecryptSessionPacket

Func DecryptGamePacket($session_id, $str, $length)
    Local $encrypted_string = "", $firstbyte, $highbyte
    Local $session_key = BitAND($session_id, 0xFF)
    Local $session_number = BitShift($session_id, 6)
    $session_number = BitAND($session_number, 0xFF)
    $session_number = BitAND($session_number, 0x80000003)

    $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    If $session_number = 0 Then
        For $i = 0 To $length - 1
            $firstbyte = $session_key + 0x40
            $highbyte = $splited[$i] - $firstbyte
            If $highbyte>256 Then $highbyte-=256
            If $highbyte<0 Then $highbyte+=256
            $encrypted_string &= Chr($highbyte)
    ElseIf $session_number = 1 Then
        For $i = 0 To $length - 1
            $firstbyte = $session_key + 0x40
            $highbyte = $splited[$i] + $firstbyte
            If $highbyte>256 Then $highbyte-=256
            If $highbyte<0 Then $highbyte+=256
            $encrypted_string &= Chr($highbyte)
    ElseIf $session_number = 2 Then
        For $i = 0 To $length - 1
            $firstbyte = $session_key + 0x40
            $highbyte = BitXOR($splited[$i] - $firstbyte, 0xC3)
            If $highbyte>256 Then $highbyte-=256
            If $highbyte<0 Then $highbyte+=256
            $encrypted_string &= Chr($highbyte)
    ElseIf $session_number = 3 Then
        For $i = 0 To $length - 1
            $firstbyte = $session_key + 0x40
            $highbyte = $splited[$i] + $firstbyte
            If $highbyte>256 Then $highbyte-=256
            If $highbyte<0 Then $highbyte+=256
            $encrypted_string &= Chr($highbyte)
        $encrypted_string &= Chr(0xF)

    Local $temp = StringSplit($encrypted_string, Chr(0xFF), 3)
    Local $save = ""

    For $i = 0 To UBound($temp) - 1
        $save &= DecryptGamePacket2($temp[$i])
        $save &= Chr(0xFF)

    Return $save
EndFunc   ;==>DecryptGamePacket

Func DecryptGamePacket2($str)
    Local $decrypted_string = "", $len, $i = 0, $highbyte, $lowbyte
    Local $table[13] = [' ', '-', '.', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', @LF]
    Local $count = 0

    $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    While $count < UBound($splited)
        If ($splited[$count] <= 0x7A) Then
            $len = $splited[$count]

            For $i2 = 0 To $len - 1
                $count += 1
                $decrypted_string &= Chr(BitXOR($splited[$count], 0xFF))
            $count += 1
            $len = $splited[$count]
            $len = BitAND($len, 0x7F)

            While $i < $len
                $count += 1

                $highbyte = $splited[$count]
                $highbyte = BitAND($highbyte, 0xF0)
                $highbyte = BitShift($highbyte, 0x4)

                $lowbyte = $splited[$count]
                $lowbyte = BitAND($lowbyte, 0x0F)

                If ($highbyte >0 0x0 And $highbyte < 14) Then
                    $decrypted_string &= $table[$highbyte - 1]
                    $i += 1

                If ($lowbyte >0 And $lowbyte < 14) Then
                    $decrypted_string &= $table[$lowbyte - 1]
                    $i += 1
            $count += 1

    Return $decrypted_string
EndFunc   ;==>DecryptGamePacket2

Func EncryptGamePacket($str)
    Local $encrypted_string = "",$temp
    Local $buffer, $size
    Local $splited = StringToASCIIArray($str,0,StringLen($str),1)

    $buffer = StringSplit($str, ' ', 3)
    If IsArray($buffer) Then
        If $temp>256 Then $temp-=256
        If $temp<0 Then $temp+=256
        $encrypted_string &= Chr($temp))
        For $i = 0 To UBound($splited) - 1
            If ($i = StringLen($buffer[0])) Then
                $size = StringLen($str[0]) - StringLen($buffer[0])
                If $size>256 Then $size-=256
                If $size<0 Then $size+=256
                $encrypted_string &= Chr($size)

            $encrypted_string &= BitXOR($splited[$i], 0xFF)
        Return $encrypted_string & Chr(0xFF)
        Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>EncryptGamePacket
Cos'è sta roba? O.o
Encrypt e decrypt dei pacchetti in autoit, è fondamentale per sviluppare un packetlogger o un game/login server.
(19-09-2012 05:04 PM)Ð3V!L Ha scritto: [ -> ]Cos'è sta roba? O.o

Il creatore di NosAngel dovrebbe saperlo >.<
Comunque credo che sia un decript di un codice ascii ma non so, forse è c++
(19-09-2012 05:07 PM)Lord Freud Ha scritto: [ -> ]
(19-09-2012 05:04 PM)Ð3V!L Ha scritto: [ -> ]Cos'è sta roba? O.o

Il creatore di NosAngel dovrebbe saperlo >.<
Comunque credo che sia un decript di un codice ascii ma non so, forse è c++

E' autoit, i codici in duoble word servono per l'algoritmo di encrypt e decrypt.
è AutoIT e io non me ne intendo ecco xk gliel'ho chiesto :|
Epic fail
(23-09-2012 12:21 PM)oskyrulez Ha scritto: [ -> ]Epic fail
Avvertimento per spam
Ma e un server che si sta costruendo oppure un source?
E' una libreria contenente le funzioni per decriptare/criptare i pacchetti.


Its a library wich translated Shadow992 from my C++ to AutoIT code for AutoIT Users.
You can't create with these a Packetlogger because this Encryptions/Decryptions are released from me for Private Servers especially.
But the other problem is that AutoIT is to slow for PServers so its maybe not the greates idea. Wink
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