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Primo a commentare la Galleria del mio allievo... Bhe che dire... Innanzitutto prova a non fare troppo grandi le immagini (Avatar = 160x200; Firme 500x200; per il resto non superare i 1000 px)
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nicolas puoi postare 24h ore dopo dal tuo post precedente, non sono permessi doppi post Smile
nicolas le immagini sono dei semplici copi a incolla cioè hai preso uno sfondo e hai messo render Sad
Ah io pensavo dal primo post XD Cmq adesso edito il mex e cancello l'altro.


Bhe 1 sola...

le altre no.
Surf enthusiasts from across the globe done notice, and soon there was a demand for UGG Boots that have been worn as a compliment on the sheepskin coats that also had been becoming a favored among young people today.Searching for discount Uggs boots is straightforward enough, and also you unquestionably will find yourself paying significantly less about the Internet than you might at your community mall or shoe retailer. The first thing which you require to complete is usually to obtain various unique shoe outlets by doing a lookup at your favourite investigation motor. This will assist you to examine selling prices using the click of the button, switching backwards and forwards concerning windows.

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(17-10-2011 04:59 AM)hysdfg Ha scritto: [ -> ]Surf enthusiasts from across the globe done notice, and soon there was a demand for UGG Boots that have been worn as a compliment on the sheepskin coats that also had been becoming a favored among young people today.Searching for discount Uggs boots is straightforward enough, and also you unquestionably will find yourself paying significantly less about the Internet than you might at your community mall or shoe retailer. The first thing which you require to complete is usually to obtain various unique shoe outlets by doing a lookup at your favourite investigation motor. This will assist you to examine selling prices using the click of the button, switching backwards and forwards concerning windows.

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5825 boots

[simo]Warning for Off Topic 02

EDIT:Ma che vole questo o_o' [/simo]
I soliti spammer inglesi....
@[nicolas9999] Concordo Con @[aleeeeeee] Le tue immagini sono soltanto:
Smile Vedi di migliorare e fondere meglio lo sfondo con il Render e poi come BG prova a usare il Render stesso cioè lo duplichi e poi lo smudgi con lo strumento sfumino... Poi applica una C4D Decente e.e
Big Grin Buona Fortuna Spero Di esserti stato utile Big Grin
Beh che vede che sei all'inizio...e daryo e ale hanno ragione..prendi gli sfondi dei pianeti e ci aggiungi qualche render... è.é
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